Hive wall
Not rated

By Meegz
08/17/2009 - 08:33:58
Type: Factory building
Rating: 1.39 (Not rated)
Tags: cave wall, creepy wall, hive wall, meegz, rocky, wall
What do you call a wall that belongs in a colony planet that is ruled by ant/spider people? No idea o.o Hive is close enough! XD I have to look at 2 different cave walls for a long time to get how they were made o_o
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By 94Brandon14
Hey can you try out some of my adventures? I need some people to play them.
By violetpup
wow...really nice. I might have to try the same when I remake my Ormigaite adventure.
By Sakiara
Nice wall Meegz. I like how organic it looks. Excellent work and I'm glad my building thread could help you :)
By sciocont
Really cool! R+