The Fail Whale Catastrophy (V2)
Not rated

By AaronMk
08/16/2009 - 16:09:34
Type: Collect adventure
Rating: 0.01 (Not rated)
Tags: aaronmk, adventure, comedic, fail, galactic adventures, ikenhazmpn?, whale
Someone else wants to waste away in paradise.lNote: The ablity to activly search by yourself is required.>
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By DragonLord364
Terrific!! Funny :D
By AaronMk
Because you've yet to do it in half the time I did.
By unknown456
I still don't understand how I got 2nd place
By AaronMk
Now, why are you guys failing half way through? A spot of island combing a bit tough?
By TheChaosKing
Awesome level man! Nice spot just to have fun. Poor whale though D: Try my level if you get the chance.
By AaronMk
Fixed it :D