Spot the Differences
Not rated
By MewMewPower
08/05/2009 - 11:48:32
Type: Puzzle adventure
Rating: 0.27 (Not rated)
Spot the object that is not suppose to be there before the time runs out
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By LPS123
Please play my new adventure, buddy.
By aaaaa97
its deciveing cause the cacoons are facing diffrent ways in the first one.
By Merihim
WOW, i think this was one of the best adventures i played. i don`t know how often i failed, but this was really cool^^ i think i had needed more then an half hour^^
By Kraznoo82
That was great! Really brilliant and original concept. Nice work.
By Wishfullthinker
Overall, well done. Hard to spot the differences, but part of that was due to the perspective. To much stuff was in the way. You might want to try it oposite one another instead of adjacent.