Not rated

By Assyroc
08/04/2009 - 12:13:21

Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.28 (Not rated)
Tags: ares, assyroc, god, mech, war


Ares is a 12th generation Celestial Frame belonging to the Martian Empire a piloted by High Prince Utavious. Developed at the request of the High Prince himself, the Ares is one of the most powerful weapons on the battlefield. Using the latest in nanotechnology the Ares has the ability to actively repair itself in combat, with this technology allowing it to rebuild entire limb sections. At a glance the Ares appears to have very little in the way of weaponry, with its mains weapons being a positron rifle a 2 beam swords. But the chest plates hide a powerful particle cannon while the wings hide the Hydra system. A series of detachable beam weapons used for both attack a defence. The frame also has shield systems build into both forearms. The Ares first deployment against the United Federations of Earth was a huge success. Destroying 2 U.F.E Frame carriers, numerous battle ships a countless other Celestial Frames. If graphically illustrated the true potential of the Celestial Frame weapon systems, an act that would prompt the U.F.E to create their own advanced Celestial Frame.


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By Hamsters55

ares pwn all in his path!

By Itsyourbadkarma

Bwahahahaha... awesome god of war. Ares is such a B.A. but then again so is this guy. Astounding! R+

By thowen


By MaxWal1993

please take a look at my newest creation, butcher, because I am very proud of it. please tell me what you think and maybe also rate.

By zirac

ddue this is some nive crap

By Enderhenne

Great mech made with the space editor!

By Confucius08

awesome ship Assyroc I really like the color choice and the wing design R+

By Goar101


By Serevanth

Fantastic detailing on this mech, the torso looks awesome in the editor, love the gun and the head as well!

By Venarge

amazinh part use. this is one of the best mechs ive ever seen.

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