By xiaofang1
08/03/2009 - 19:19:43
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: by xiao!
The laat was a transport in the clone wars also used by master yoda in the battle of geonosis
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By xiaofang1
08/03/2009 - 19:19:43
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: by xiao!
The laat was a transport in the clone wars also used by master yoda in the battle of geonosis
By Reverend Colin
And R+
By Reverend Colin
Excellent job on this; I've always loved LAAT's. This is a really good reproduction with some nice original parts.
By Reverend Colin
Oh, see I didn't actually make that. It's a replica of a crysknife (from the Dune series) by Virakotxa (which was a gift to me).