Mobile Battle Fortress
Not rated

By Solkovskyj
08/01/2009 - 16:09:49
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: apc, armoured, battle, carrier, communist, fortress, kalman, kalmania, missile, mobile, personnel, rocket, tank
Built by the Kalmanians on an enlarged T-410 chassis, the MBF is allows troops on board to shoot from the fireports or to stay safe in the bombproof deck below. It is unusual in that it is sold to many non-Communist nations by the Communist League.
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By HHbrooklyn
very cool,cant wait to see it in game.
By Solkovskyj
Obviously meant for use in GA, so anyone who wants to use it, go ahead and have fun!
By nuked92
Now that's just epic! Great job on the interior and that little missile launcher on top is awesome too.