Not rated
By Ryuujin
07/19/2009 - 22:00:53
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.18 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
I tried tonnes of designs for these bloody things. Originally I had holoprojectors, but nobody realsied they were meant to be used. Then I tried ones like calculators but they looked too human...
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By MisterTurtle
By Ryuujin
3 hat switches - each switch can be pressed in several directions ;) (and you may notice iubati have 3 fingers =p)
By MisterTurtle
Three buttons?:D
By Ryuujin
It's just a Tornado blown up to considerable size
By lupus7
how did you do the sand storm effect in "Whom gods destroy"?
By Thiefswipe
Wow... you put alot of effort into that adventure. how long did it take you?
By Mongoska
By SharnaSanveech
Hexagons make everything look cool, huh? =)
By Nebulaoblivion
Thats a really cool design :)