A Nuke
Not rated

By Ryuujin
07/19/2009 - 21:58:51
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
The right explosion in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
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By Ryuujin
07/19/2009 - 21:58:51
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.13 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop
The right explosion in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.
By Snatchus
Lol! A reference to Gmans speech in the beginning to Half life 2.
By SomeFella1
Hooray for Nukes! Such fun they are, we place XL ones in our colonies for little people to play and have fun with XD. It was a great adventure BTW.
By Duderox
A nuke goes on a zebra eating muffins.
By Ryuujin
Finally, someone got the reference =D
By eljacko
LOL HL2 reference ftw.
By Mongoska
There's a right place for a nuke?
By MarksmanAim
Thers a "wrong place" for a nuke?