Not rated

By Luminar
07/19/2009 - 06:25:56

Type: City Hall building
Rating: -1 (Not rated)
Tags: gaprop


By attributus

A classic videogame prop (good times)

By Bioraptr

In itself, that adventure DESERVES a feature. Good work.

By Bioraptr

Anyway, Luminar, The Land of Brutal and Unfair Death was the most perfect and foolproof adventure I've ever seen (I know you know-- I've taken a peek at it in the editor... :P) Also, it was absolutely hilarious (especially the health pickup joke... rofl.

By Bioraptr

:p sorry if I frightened you, Luminar. I was sort of... overjoyed... no, extremely SLAPHAPPY, as I always am when I do something like being first in the world in something... just disregard it.


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