BW - The Fall of Tahrissian(V2)
Not rated

By DaniAngione
07/18/2009 - 05:49:56
Type: Story adventure
Rating: 0.19 (Not rated)
Tags: aleangione, balance war, daniangione, paladin, razgriz, trarrask, treelurker
VERSION BUGFREE 2.0 FINAL!!EMERGENCY TRANSMISSION FROM TREELURKIA: Captain! We need help NOW! The Trarrask, world destroyers, are here! They want the blood of our Children! We and the Paladin need help against this galactic menace! TRANSMISSION OVER / Adventure By AleAngione, DaniAngione's brother! Story and most of the creations credited to AleAngione, DaniAngione helped a little in the adventure editor :)
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By Rontti970
Why It's so lagging?
By Reblon
By TheOutlier
One word, EPIC I love this one! Great job!
By muolo14
I love all your adventures but i was think and you don't have to agree with me but what if you create an adventure that the Trarrask from an alliance with the grox. Respond back if you think if it's a good idea.
By jadow11
nice but one major flaw is that it moves very very slowly
By Nikolinka89
A sad tale indeed, great adventure as always it was a pleasure to play! ty!
By pizzaboy9109
Very good adventure, but when you have to destroy the crawler thing, you usually have no one left with you.
By DaniAngione
Harian wont die again! lol
By DaniAngione
Guys - MAJOR Modififications...ACT 4 Easier, NO BUGS, PLAY IT =p