Terran C-14 Rifle
Not rated

By Mouthwash
07/17/2009 - 03:12:56
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.58 (Not rated)
Its backwards and lying on its side because that orientation gives the illusion of the gun being gripped when picked up as a prop. I didnt spend much time on it considering the marines arent actually gonna be able to fire them... :/
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By sora555
By sora555
By 879MacDonald
Looks like the SMG from Turok (Xbox 360)
By Alexis99
Looks like the Halo 1/2/3 assault rifle :D
By Pyromancer456
could be used as sprite for damage boost
By goldrat
the shape of it looks like them assualt riffles in the Halo series.
By mynameisfish14
I consequently thought throughout the mission that these things were actually able to shoot! :P anyways, they were handy to confuse some zerglings by throwing this at them.
By jetzei
Why not just mask a laser gun or cannon with this?
By jameson756
oh lol i found this in civ stage as my enemys city hall lol
By goldrat
its a gun not a actual building lila
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