Not rated
By Aurumpario
07/11/2009 - 14:30:03
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: ^_^, fingawing, ga, geterdone, herbie659, new, news, tuinahvuni
Fingawing has a new name! Aurumpario is exactly the same as Fingawing, i'm just an alternate character! In other news i've been taking a break from making adventures, but i'm starting a new one soon!
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By snuitergup
Ah! now i know! xD The colours are amazing! Really awesome! R+
By Herbie659
Sweet idea for the colours! Looks really great as the thumbnail. Yeah, another adventure! Thanks for telling about the identity swap!
By tuinahvuni
Hi there my friend, glad to know I found your new ID. Very cool!
By Galaxia76
Thanks for the tip. I never thought of making it like that. I thought it was just a glitch.
By Galaxia76
Wow, how did you get the colors here? And thanks for telling me about your alternate identity.