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By WookieeLord06/28/2009 - 18:41:43
Type: Entertainment buildingRating: -1 (Not rated)
By Ghostboy897 Probably going to use this as a trap door in a Clark and Stanley adventure.
By Pal101 Good creation! Seriously, this could come in handy for Galactic Adventures. I'd add gaprop to the tags though.
By Giolar gaprop??ß you can use it ,now too!
By ca3ba Add the tag "gaprop" please =P
By WookieeLord Thanks :-D
By ProjectGnome idea
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By Ghostboy897
Probably going to use this as a trap door in a Clark and Stanley adventure.
By Pal101
Good creation! Seriously, this could come in handy for Galactic Adventures. I'd add gaprop to the tags though.
By Giolar
gaprop??ß you can use it ,now too!
By ca3ba
Add the tag "gaprop" please =P
By WookieeLord
Thanks :-D
By ProjectGnome idea