Exploding Forest
Not rated

By Kraznoo82
06/26/2009 - 19:58:26

Type: Quest adventure
Rating: 1.01 (Not rated)


Navigate a deadly forest where the trees all explode when touched.



By Madmadland

thats awsom

By Madmadland

awsom how did you get the trees to blow up hey try my other missions

By Scrag333

That was awesome. I like how when you get to the center and hit a tree they all explode. Nice job.

By zilvox

lol that was great, cool simple adventure

By bpt0895

Lol the first time a tree exploded it scared the crap out of me! I think i jumped three feet when it happened!

By Mattes55

Very brilliant and pretty colors in this mission. My only criticism is it was too short. I didn't want it to end. I was enjoying the psychedelic world and creatures.


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