Darkbarren Medium Table
Not rated

By Doomnova
06/22/2009 - 18:59:08
Type: House building
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: darkbarren, doomnova, gaprop, mcsurrealchallenge, medium, prop, table, team_darkbarren
A prop for the Darkbarren set Sporecast.
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By Bites_his_Nose
Your talent and imagination goes beyond anything I've ever seen! It's an honor that such a master of creating has subbed me. I've subbed you as well. My sporepedia is being filled with your awesomness at this very moment.
By EarthlingPUY
im gonna put you in my spore trivia mission! may i use your props in the mission aswell as the corrupted judge in the mission? please and thank you in advance! ~EarthlingPUY
By paraworldruler99
Hey doom, can i use some darkbarren creations in a few of my adventures? Also, can you make me a Dakbarren military Base?
By Reverend Colin
Is it okay if I use some of your gaprops in a mission I'm creating? I'll give credit, and yeah. They just look so cool!
By 94Brandon14
I wish I had this for a table.
By hankowen
By emilyg811
Oh. Well, thanks for telling me what that meant! ^-^'
i should really get on making some props and such :S lol
By Fatalyze
beautiful detailing! and nice colors!
By Zevais
great detailing on the surface of the table
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