Tick, tick, tick, tick
Not rated

By Geckofrog
06/22/2009 - 09:17:18

Type: Spaceship
Rating: -1 (Not rated)


(used pettamapossums slug thingy.) Just when I thought Bowser could handle the slugs and that would give me a break! The slugs have captured hordes of reptiles and amphibians, and the worst part is, I have to wait for ga to save them! Can't wait to get it!


By Dylan525

If he catches ANY reptiles it has to be him!!!

By Dylan525


By pettamapossum

No! Charlie will not stand for this! So he will sit down.

By ffrrooggyy2

:( I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow, so I have to wait 2 more weeks. IT SUCKS!


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