GF Wars
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This is the ga mission i've been making things for! Here's the story: The geckofrogs have recently joined and formed the FGE. And they already have an enemy! The crazed king of boilgas: Dimboilga, has started a war with the geckofrogs! (con. in comments)
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By Dylan525
I'll be part of it!!!
By Geckofrog
snuff the geckofrog empire. In return, the jabbers would grant the boilgas many star systems to them. The jabbers would also share their weapons with them. The boilgas agreed, and lead their most elite troops to the GF empire. The war has begun.
By Geckofrog
And he has now targeted Geckfrola and the geckofrog owned zoo planets! Why is this? They are actually allies of the Jabbers, the Flerpys' arch enemy. The geckofrogs are a small empire joined with the flerpys. The jabbers offered a deal to Dimboilga to-