Dundan Entertainment Center
Not rated

By Parkaboy
06/09/2009 - 22:16:38

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)
Tags: creatortip, orange, parkaboy, set:dundan


CretorTip: be creative with windows. They can be used, for instance, as doors or even as an elevator with a view.


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By Janori

Is it a nightclub?

By daceth

Looks more like a prision tower to me.

By sErgEantaEgis

Remind me of the tower where Anakin Skywalker get transformed into Dark Vader at the end of Star Wars episode 3...

By Veoline

Actually, when you made these, did you plan to make a species that would correspond, or not, and later thought of making the Dundan species to match ?

By snakeyes96

the idea is similar to those towers from jurrasic park, is that where the idea came from

By Veoline

Very nice ! I kind of looks like a prison tower !


Where do you find the time to do this stuff, i always find myself working for 5o minutes at a time trying to come up with something good.

By 89Lawliet

It'd be even sweeter if that elevator could actually work, though. Still a wonderful creation, and a very useful tip to boot!

By Zazan

Nice entartainament tower,Spore codnt be cooler

By HollowKnight

Oh now that is awesome. Love these creatortips, that elevator is so awesome.

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