M577 APC
Not rated
By AwesomeSauceUK
06/08/2009 - 01:56:18
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 0.59 (Not rated)
Tags: alien, aliens, apc, colonial, m577, marine, marines
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By Corona51
Awesome design! :D My Favorite Vehicle from the series. :)
By Miskatonik
Avp2 was made about 9 years ago now. It was on PC, and is better then the new AVP game. But you don't drive the APC in it.
By taylor67
97sean its not avp2 its just avp avp2 the game hasent been made yet
By 97sean123
you know this tank,i have alien vs predator 2 the game and i drove this tank
By Akrenym
Odd, on both the Yautja Huntsman and the APC I had to remove one part to make the vehicle selectable in the adventure editor. I just had to add the guide rails and ladder on the back :p
By Akrenym
I tried repainting it due to some clipping on the top and the "too many parts" icon appears in the upper left and I noticed that I can't use it GA.
By Akrenym
Very cool!
By MohawkJones
Extremely close!! That front cockpit window is spot-on, LV is right about the wheelbase, but this looks fantastic!!
By LordVarmint
This one is very close, The wheelbase looks a little too short, but it's instantly recognizable. Nice job.