Wanted! Planet Descriptions
Not rated

By poisson14
06/06/2009 - 06:43:24

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.04 (Not rated)
Tags: atmosphere, gas giants, help, high gravity, ice worlds, ideas, low gravity, ocean levels, rocky worlds, temperature


I have hit creator's block. I can't think of any "alien" type creatures to make. To get ideas, I am asking for descriptions of planets for my new creatures to inhabit. Nothing truly descriptive. Describing if the planet's temperature, atmosphere, ocean levels, size (like gravity), and, if possible, something to compare too. Example: warm planet, thick atmoshere, mostly ocean, gravity like the moon, a lot like a swamp.Closed to new ideas. I have pretty much quit Spore.


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By Eman7

I love this creation. :)

By 01fate10

id just throw parts 2getther thats how i got my first creatures


a planet with very high mountians and mesas that cover most of the planet. theground below is toxic and uninhabitable while the mountians and mesas are habitable.the climate is temperate and it is a low gravity planet.

By 21176

i have one a main sequence planet being pulled on by two exo-giants and is in the closer exo-giants magnectic feild and gravity pull causing giant lava flows and huge lightning storms!

By lizardlad

A planet on an axis so that one side is facing the sun making it scorching hot and on the other side freezing cold, there is a small zone between them that is livable but because of the imbalances in energy there are constant lightning storms

By cpelite

I'll try a planet!

By okidokiloki98

A planet between binary stars, making a figure eight rotation, and frequent rain during sunny days due to evaporation, then condensation of water in the thick, helium atmosphere. The pressure is so high that the water turns to ice-7 during distanced days.

By poisson14

Sorry, I will no longer be taking requests. Until an undetermined time, I will no longer be creating in Spore. Sorry for the inconvenience.

By ShadeIsaac

Not much gravety, 3 moons, Flying mountains like in Avatar and strange creatures and flora.

By elukka67

Ice world! Like Pluto (of course with atmosphere)

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