Nova Track Turn Section 666 v2
By MohawkJones
06/05/2009 - 03:19:07
Type: House building
Rating: 7.5 (Good)
Tags: mohawkjones, nova, nova deathrace challenge, psychichazard
Tell that mean son of a gun with the crew cut and the big scar, that the Neutron bomb idea was the perfect "EVIL" solution. Tell him that he is promoted to the head of the NOVA deforestation office, and tell the racers to check the rad levels, or not.
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By sErgEantaEgis
Nice details,must have took a while(I don't know how you write it in english)
By Perfect_Circle
The sight of this depresses me somewhat, but it's very cool. Nice touch the fire.
By TorgOwl
Amazing before-after effect, compared to the other race landscape
By Spekldorf
NOVA....most evil (or most awesome...i don't know) corporation in the Galaxy
By Fukaton
j'i aurais pas penser a cramer mes creations ! lol
By tygerlim
Nothing more impressive than this amazing terrain. R+
By bcrane
Great track sections.. Excellent!
By ProcyonGuardian
By Zevais
great landscape
By BboyNitroz
lol the happy meadow turn, was nuked!great work cant wait for your mission when ga comes out!
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