Ratings, WTF
Not rated
By thatcadmusguy
06/02/2009 - 21:15:23
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.58 (Not rated)
Tags: liars, r+, thatcadmusguy, toadying, trolls, wtf
I like getting comments. It makes me feel special. What I DON'T like is when people put R+ and neglect to R+. I have Sporescope, so I know when people rate my stuff. I don't mean to be a jerk or anything, but from now on, if you say R+, please follow through. Thanks ever so much. *UPDATE* This has now become my most popular creation to date. R+ AWARENESS!!
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By XChan
IDK how to rate ? Tell me and you'll have some upped creations :-)
By Dippy Sauce
lol well... wat it we R nd get baq to it lol cause iam on Spore.. not the website :)
By Lemilica
What means R anyway?
By Rebecca1208
I'm NOT on spore.com* -.- stupid mistake, I'm on SPORE
By Rebecca1208
Very good ppint Cadmus, and great creation. I've never actually thought about this - great job on getting people aware of this!! I would rate, but I'm on spore.com
By Rumbleforce
My one and only feature had a rating of 0 before it got featured, not one vote...
By Rumbleforce
@Glance a creation getting rated up or down doesn't get them featured either. Ratings are ONLY for MPN. Featured creations are selected by the Devs randomly.
By Glance
i cant even count how many times this happens to me (about 30 a day:)the comments are cool but they dont get you featured:)
By Rumbleforce
oh, btw yes you can vote multiple times if you know how to. Hence the big downrating issue currently...
By Rumbleforce
@snipedsharkbite using multiple +'s in a comment has NOTHING to do with multiple votes. It means you really like it...
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