The Scariest runner up
By mecforce1
06/02/2009 - 04:44:27
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 2.14 (Good)
Tags: blob, contest, mecforce1, runner up, scariest, slime, thatcadmusguy
Congrats DAC-Blood Slime By thatcadmusguy with 2nd scariest blob and slime contest entry.
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By love2spazz
it looks like a possessed pudding! that is cool. awsome blob!
By thatcadmusguy
Hey man, I made a thanks blob for you, feel free to upload it to your page! And thanks for all your comments, you've been great ^_^
By thatcadmusguy
I can assure you, you'll be seeing more blobs from me! They're so much fun to make! BTW, this got downrated, but I brought it back up to yellow ^_^