By DeJaKritz
05/30/2009 - 01:35:53
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.56 (Not rated)
Tags: capital ship, confederation, planet killer, weapon of mass destruction, wing commander
From Wing CommanderCheck out my WC sporecast!On 2669.245 in the Torgo system, Admiral Tolwyn rendezvoused with the escort carrier TCS Victory escorted by several destroyers. He told the crew of the Victory that their seemingly unimportant carrier would be central to his plan to end the Terran-Kilrathi war. The Victory and her fighter wings would escort and defend the TCS Behemoth; an extremely large vessel with a forward cannon capable of destroying a planet.The Behemoth was tested on Loki VI. The planet orbitted a quasar resulting in complete communications disruption, leaving the Kilrathi unable to call for help. The test was the only time when the Behemoth's weapon was ever fired. The test completely destroyed the planet, but the Behemoth required repairs for a few technical difficulties in firing its main weapon. This gave the Kilrathi time to realize the loss of their forces on Loki VI.Following the test run Prince Thrakhath taunted the TCS Victory over subspace radio. He revealed that Col. Blair, leader of the Victory's fighter wings, was the "Heart of the Tiger;" a name the Kilrathi had bestowed upon him as a sign of respect. Ralgha nar Hhallas, a Kilrathi defector flying for the Terrans, switched personalities upon hearing the code phrase: "Heart of the Tiger." This caused him to reveal himself as a Kilrathi experiment with personality overlays (Kilrathi are psychologically incapable of verbal deception), and he escaped with a Thunderbolt VII heavy fighter to transmit the details on the Behemoth to his Prince, revealing its weak points. As a result, when the Behemoth and the TCS Victory entered the Kilrah system, Kilrathi bombers were waiting and targetted the Behemoth's weak points straight away. The Behemoth was immediately destroyed. Thrakhath then took to space in his personalized Bloodfang fighter to challenge Blair to single combat. He taunted Blair with an FMV recording showing how he had personally disemboweled Blair's lover Angel Devereaux after her colleagues had been disintegrated in a Kilrathi execution ritual. Blair's instinct was to accept Thrakhath's challenge, but the captain of the Victory warned him that the carrier was under heavy assault and would retreat to the Alcor system immediately; without him if necessary. Col. Blair came to his senses and denied Thrakhath the duel both of them craved.The TCS Behemoth never actually completed construction. While its main gun was functional, the Behemoth was originally intended to be heavily armored and armed. Its design was intended to take the punishment of an entire Kilrathi fleet and survive long enough to make a suicide shot on the Kilrathi homeworld. It is debatable whether this would have been possible or not, but most agree that the Behemoth's chances would have been far greater if Admiral Tolwyn had not put the ship to use so hastily. All this became moot with the success of Temblor bomb soon after.
By Koil08
Fantastic work... R+ and buddied ;)
By LordVarmint
Very effective looking engine nacelle