Special Recognition
Not rated
By Fingawing
05/27/2009 - 11:50:40
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.52 (Not rated)
Tags: fantasycontest, foreverpiping, jesidani, orion1004, tuinahvuni, zevais
Ultimate Fantasy Contest: Presented to Reyes1 for Veerox Set, parrotkitten for kelina lady of the wolves, Sciocont for Necromancer?s Minion, and Fingawing for Time
?for unique concept and design?
Congratulations! (please uprate on winner's page)___Thanks!
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By tuinahvuni
(cont)Truth is, I create for myself and my friends. I'm kind to people when I comment and I don't get upset when they are nasty to me, and I don't expect anything in return. Sometimes I get lucky and one of my creations makes it to the top. Simple as that!
By tuinahvuni
About the question you asked me, popularity on Spore is not what it seems to be. For instance, I have many creations that have never even seen the MPN list, and one of mine today was downrated so much that it fell off the first page. (cont)
By tuinahvuni
Hi there, never got to congratulate you properly on this! Well done - your imagination is your best asset and your creations reflect that! Great job!