By Maposaurus05/24/2009 - 12:20:38
Type: SpaceshipRating: 3.33 (Good)
It's a robot.
By DARDUEL Creation added to "Robotic Creations" sporecast, plz check it out and subscribe if you liked
By joanmiro Ezrie's is a trophy for second place in the vehicle category of the fantasy contest and mine is for third place.
By Ezrie Excellent robot, very cool. :)
By joanmiro fun one R[s]
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Creation added to "Robotic Creations" sporecast, plz check it out and subscribe if you liked
By joanmiro
Ezrie's is a trophy for second place in the vehicle category of the fantasy contest and mine is for third place.
By Ezrie
Excellent robot, very cool. :)
By joanmiro
fun one R[s]