Bell 206B Jetranger
Not rated
By John_Freeman
05/23/2009 - 15:09:59
Type: Economic air vehicle
Rating: 0.87 (Not rated)
Tags: bell, john_freeman, realistic, textron, turbine, utility
One of the most popular light turbine helicopters of all time, the ubiquitous Jetranger has been used for a huge variety of roles. It has remained in continuous production since 1967, although the 429 is scheduled to replace it after 2010.
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By Solamae13
Really nice.
By retbox
I'm usin one in my GA to (Galactic Adventures)
By Vektrix
ANother one to see flying around my next adventure.
By Euroflix
I've flown a Jetranger in Flight Simulator. Your creations are very realistic!
By John_Freeman
@Emperor_Squish: I use a small glitch involving the cylinder parts; Raptor1994 has a nice step-by-step tutorial on his Spore page (that's where I learned it, actually).
By Emperor_Squish
Can you tell me how you get the Tail rotor on one side? I could really use with a trick like that because i LOVE helicopters!!
By crwmike
Amazing likeness. The first time I ever flew, it was in the front seat of one of these. R+
By nuked92
Wow, I used to fly this in MFS2004! I think you did a really good job, the window is perfect, the shape is perfect, the skids are perfect, actually the whole thing is perfect, good work!
By starfleet55
finaly someone has a jet ranger!
By NewbarGE
Nice job with the small details!
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