Not rated

By Andeavor
05/21/2009 - 20:55:31

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.1 (Not rated)
Tags: andeavor, gaprop, old-fashioned, outhouse, toilet


When you got to go, you got to go...


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By cassidy0605

@Phenotypical_1: Pun intended.

By ruthebeck

OPEN DA DOOR I GOTTA POO!! *1 day later* Oh it was open the whole time and I pooped my pants all for nothing...Oh well!

By GalladeXD

Im glad then invented flushable toilets.

By EliteUnion23

*Walks in* *1 hour later* *Gasmask Soldiers walking outside*

By whitefox17

Shrek's office...

By Gabdchup

*Goes in* *Five hours later* *Comes out* *Squirell sniffs outhouse* *squirell dies*

By sErgEantaEgis

In Québec outhouses are called ''bécosses''

By Fujii

When nature calls, you better answer...

By Homer-dude2

*hears fart noise* Oh! In use! *walks away*

By Phenotypical_1

Are the manufacturers of outhouses perverted? Why do they have a moon there? O_O

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