Oceanic Air Plane
Not rated

05/19/2009 - 03:10:09

Type: House building
Rating: 0.3 (Not rated)
Tags: 815, air, airplane, flight, lost, oceanic, plane


An air plane. My best attempt. Made in the BUILDING editor. Decided to add the Oceanic symbol on the tail, it's from LOST, and might use this as a prop for Galactic Adventures. Anyone can use this, or change the color and symbol for their own missions too, just remember to credit me in the description.


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By LeafyGreensB

ccccccoooooooooooolll i almost lost my life on one of them though O.o

By LonerWlf

Nice airplane! It must have been hard to make in the building editor...

By Hydro_Glyph

tahts very cool, decay dropped it to blue though arrrgghh!!

By rw6382

how come you didn't use in the veicle creater?

By Wonny3SW

Lol,I like the logo!

By nitrocroc

Thanks Kirby! Its good to be back, lol.


I'm already planning how it should look for the beach scene in an adventure.

By warcriminal666

you should do a broken one for the beach

By alphapeanut

What is "LOST"? I like the plane, through it does remind me a spaceship.

By Ezrie

Terrific plane, awesome! like the engines.. :)

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