Parked KC-10 Extender GA Scenery
Not rated
By nuked92
05/16/2009 - 16:06:22
Type: Economic air vehicle
Rating: 1.29 (Not rated)
Tags: air, ga, galactic adventures, gaprop, kc-10, refueler, scenery, tanker
The KC-10 Extender is an air-to-air tanker aircraft in service with the United States Air Force derived from the civilian DC-10-30 airliner. GA scenery.
Made by Nuked92, used basic structure ideas from John_Freeman.
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By Lintuperhonen
You should do a gears up version of this.
By spasm9800
By Gory51
Whoa!!! very nice :) R+
By Solkovskyj
Aha! Together, you and John Freeman will take over the world, I know it!
By Tuxli
sieht aus wie echt
By pecospete
Itried to add more wheels but couldn't make it come together should have eight wheels rear in one strut
By ConCarne
By Ari5555
Very realistic i love it
By crwmike
Nice, accurate design. R+