Ixian Warship
Not rated
By 1of6Billion
05/08/2009 - 08:57:13
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 1.15 (Not rated)
Tags: 1of6billion, extra galaxial, ix, ixian, space
After the demise of the Grox, The Empire encoutered an extra-galaxial race: The Ixians. Few ships that encountered such a ship survived, so we assume it's a warship. Efforts to communicate with them have not been succesfull, yet
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By mizukami
Happy 4th of july
By creator12350
very alien spaceship looks very cool r+
By JazzTap
Simple, but distinctively alien and rather creepy; very good. The suspended ball is intriguing. Nice description. Nice choice of main greyish texture. Would R+, but probably rate decay.
By DarkenedHeart3
Dono what R means but... R ?lol
By Himmelslaub
Excellent creation :)!R+
By gcdcyst
This ship is creepily simple. What bothers me the most however is the prominent seam. Looks like it is made to open-a disconcerting thought.
By Hilight
Good looking stuff! R++++ I'd like to invite you to participate in Hilight's bike challenge. If you're interested, drop by my page to read about it. Look for the creations titled "Bike Challenge Part I," and "Part II."
By Zellex
Cool description. Good to see you again, bud. R+