Derelict Shaft
Not rated

By Virakotxa
04/30/2009 - 16:21:09
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.18 (Not rated)
Tags: acheron, alien, biomechanical, gaprop, giger, interior, set:derelict, virakotxa, xenomorph
Alien. What a perfectly appropriate title for a film in which H.R. Giger displays his uniquely gripping style. It is the word, which, in a sense, best describes this Swiss artist's masterful design work.
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By codyr2391
It sure would be awesome walking around in there.
By Karl-EL
What's with people commenting and not uprating? lame
By Karl-EL
Great job, man. R+
By Antiangel
You should think about making a white and more clean version of it like in the terror movie called Cube.
By AxisofDarkness
nice i like how made it so you can look in
By Ganisius
It's really awesome! X_x