Zane's Volcano
Not rated

By theMadMonk
04/29/2009 - 00:59:28

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0 (Not rated)
Tags: factory, silly, themadmonk, volcano


Dedicated to my 6-year-old, volcano-obsessed son! :-)


By Sarsaparilla

I went through a volcano phase too, and I'm a girl. It's something about the lava.

By theMadMonk

I think every boy goes through that phase...my son in right into the thick of it! (And if he's not thinking about volcanoes, he's got tornadoes and hurricanes on the brain! LOLZ)

By ashkelon

Watching the smoke come out the top with my 2 yo grandson who loves making computers "do mouse things". His father was once a volcano obsessed little boy!

By GodisCrying

good job ! check out my new creatures


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