Dröd Mill
Not rated

By Grimbot
04/28/2009 - 20:42:12

Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: drod, dutch, grimbot, mill, scandinavian, set: drod, snow, viking, wood


The Drod are dedicated to their historic crafts, like weaponsmithing, woodworking, and needlepoint.


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By Ruffey

hey man i think you are a good creator and im making a SKYRIM themed adventure and am wondering if you could make more snowy themed buildings? maybe stone and stuff?

By JakeRulez14

@Wormey1, it says "Weponsmithing" in it.

By Wormey1

I wondered why it came up when I searched for "weapon".

By Carnivorus

what country do you come from?

By Skillyntic

wow!!! perfect for a snow adventure!!! very nice and awesome!!^^

By MastrCreator115

This looks more like the alps Swiss Mountain 2-Day Spring Break get away vacation. Mmmmmm Salsey....DA uhhh no one heard that............... right?

By Elcamo13


By ten000fold

love it!

By Cross888

Fantastic work!I really like it...5/5

By techtor


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