Fence Pole
Not rated
By Parkaboy
04/27/2009 - 02:31:00
Type: Factory building
Rating: 0.03 (Not rated)
Tags: gamingsteve, gaprop, parkaboy
A very simple pole that can also serve as a street lamp. Place it between fence segments to build fences on your Adventure Planets.
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By Sanguistan
@Mataeron you cant put capitols in the tags
By Mataeron
The "gaprop" tag is a tad faulty on this one. Yes, I do have GA, but I think it has to be "GAprop" instead of "gaprop", regardless of the fact that it's all lowercase in the end. Either way, nice... pole.
By Phenotypical_1
Does anybody see the words "GA Prop" in the tags?
By beast1996
nice processed chess
By bugzeeolboy
Good Idea Parkaboy!
By kualark
well, it might look ok on adventures but you know its just a ...pole...
By valivali
what the?!?! A POLE?!?!?!?!
By holdaway
nice factory
By Evilcuteman
DUDE ITS JUST A POLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!