By thatcadmusguy
04/27/2009 - 03:06:29
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 10 (Good)
Tags: contest, derelict technology, thatcadmusguy
I'm in the process of creating a new Derelict Technology mech series. BUT, I need ideas!!
Rules: 1. No cheats. My computer won't let me, so neither can you. 2. Must be a vehicle, mech style! (Mech style, in my mind, is anything big, clunky, lots of angles, boxy, etc.) Can be any; land, sea, air, space. Creatures will only be accepted if they are employees, and they must be sporting Derelict colors. 3. Vehicle entries must NOT be colored! Creatures entered may NOT have CaC parts and must sport Derelict Technology colors (see Chronos and Torvus for colors). 4. Write a description for it! I want to know what it's for, what it's got, and how Derelict came up with the idea! 5. When complete, comment here and tag your creation with derelict technology so I can Sporecast it. 6. Limit one vehicle and one creature (if you're so inclined) per person. Contest ends 2 weeks from today, on the 11th of May. I will pick the top three vehicles, which will all be re-painted in Derelict colors. Winners also recieve a custom Derelict Technology space stage creature! Everyone who enters will also get a trophy. TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!
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By hugeamatron
yo yo ..any luck finding my mech for the contest?
By superandy94
my entry:
By superandy94
i'll enter this.. btw, you should mention this on the DAC forums, in the community comps :)
By Chance96
this is way off topic, but how do you write big descriptions like this? I can only get a short one. As for the contest, I'm not good at making vehicles....
By hugeamatron
i re taged it ..try now..=]
By hugeamatron
i put it up for you sproecast
By hugeamatron
ok its done and ready for the contest..hope you liek it..=]
By hugeamatron
hey i got a mech for you contest..just writing out the descripiton..and ill be done..its called the U-N-C Battle Mech
By ev_ers2
I love the art you did here. r+.
By StarUniter
I am not very good with mechs:)
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