Ophiuchusian Capital Ship
The heart and soul of the Ophiucusian fleet, this ship is capable of carrying half of the entire fleets fighters at one time. It serves all the same pruposes as a cruiser on a more massive scale and it is the command center for the entire fleet.
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By Fenrirr
IF you want to see a massive ship look at my Seraph of Titania! The shape is good and the long thing's on the side look like some sort of conductor's of something R
By YYiippee
I cn tell it is like a massive cruiser, it looks just like it only bigger and better!
By beta_psi
Nice work at using the details and paint to convey a large scale on this ship.
By Karl-EL
Excellent design. R+
By SteelFire
Again, a beauty! Good job with getting the capitol ship feel to it. No obvious armaments though, nor even weapon ports.. just my likes though. R+
By Vektrix
Very good, has a fantatstic ominous feel and look about it R+.