Not rated

By thatcadmusguy
04/23/2009 - 14:34:56
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 2 (Not rated)
Tags: stealing, thatcadmusguy, theif
Dedicated to all you creators who have had your stuff stolen by others who claim it as their own. And to those wannabe "creator" theives out there, cut it the heck out. We are NOT impressed by your phony BS. A lot of true artists here have worked incredibly hard to make some of the best things Spore has to offer. Stealing it shows an utter lack of respect for said artists, their creations, and the effort they put into them. You want recognition? Practice. Make your own stuff. But DO NOT steal our stuff.I WILL report is as stolen. You have been warned.
Contact us at

By samzilla2000
My grox was stolen by kerki4!
By Iwin83
Yea i have seen millions of stolen creations just cus of maybe 3 ppl
By wackystarfish93
Haha! Another humourous creation! Absolute ledgend!
By XInfernoX
Thank You For making this because this has happened to me =]
By hotdogboy11
you did a good job!
By Alemari21
Right On!!! R+
By Crip_dOg
By phyrebat
By Glance
cool(R+++:) as some1 whos seen more of is stuff in m.p.n.list under some1 elses name with no mention of me at all not to mention the contests lol!!!i blame the rating system forcing already ignored people to claw 4 attention.DOWN WITH DOWNRATING (p.s.mimic