Hoschi Embassy-Yes we can!!!

By Wonny3SW
04/19/2009 - 14:07:26

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 10 (Good)
Tags: beach, cool, embassy, funny, hoschi, peace


We are not won the Contest!Peace,Party and Love are not the best thing for the best Space_Civ inSpore!Ok,thats howit should be...No,we say:YES WE CAN!Purple spice make your life peacefull and much better!PEACE NOT WAR is the right way,help us !


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By crazyjustin409

sounds like these hippies never met the grox.

By Arisiel

piece ( of shit) not war :p

By beta_psi

And I'll be the first to admit that nearly any one of the sets could have taken 1st. The Hoschi's were one of the highlights of the contest for me. Perhaps we should have given out more awards since there were so many participants. Next time, perhaps..

By beta_psi

Nice sculpting here and very nice colors. I'm glad the Hoschi's take not placeing in the contest. There were many great sets, and I nearly decided to not give out places. It was a difficult task.

By Kreaturnator

Lol! Das ist echt genial!

By joanmiro

hilarious and right on. R[s]

By Spawn00

das sieht auch nicht schlecht aus!!!!R+

By Ezrie

Hey buddy, Great creation, awesome colors.. :)

By Karl-EL

yay for the Hoschi! :)

By Ixion12

nice, looks real

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