Schrödinger's Cat
Not rated

By 1of6Billion
04/18/2009 - 13:14:13

Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 0.18 (Not rated)
Tags: 1of6billion, cat, experiment, schrödinger, set:philosophy


Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, often described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics being applied to everyday objects. The thought experiment presents a cat that might be alive or dead, depending on an earlier random event. In the course of developing this experiment, he coined the term Verschränkung (entanglement)....poor kitty




By Ravikka

I. Love. This.
Adding it to my mad scientist lab sporecast.

By Zellex

Interesting concept... Well made!

By Don0u812

Great cat! If you go to another artists' page which contains your username(like in a comment) and click on it, you will see your page as everyone else does, not as a home page-btw, counting this you have 474!!


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