Ark of Spode
Not rated

By Andeavor
04/13/2009 - 11:31:19

Type: House building
Rating: 0.07 (Not rated)
Tags: andeavor, ark, covenant, gaprop, spode


Beware, contents lethal to sinners.


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By luluthedog

Create a guy with a melted face!


George Bush is screwed. (I was gonna add Osama Bin Laden to that joke, but he's already dead)

By MaxxToron

Lol. nice. In my new adventure I'm planning, Spode is actually a bad guy, so... yeah this kinda has no merit then. But I still lvoe it.

By sambart2000

Indiana jones walks by "hmm, I wonder what's inside". Opens the chest and... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH

By redsoxfan4life1

You'd be able to bet your butt it's lethal to sinners.

By Homer-dude2

*President Bush walks by* Bush:Hmmm I wonder what's inside :) *opens ark* *light rays come out* Bush:OMG I'm melting NOOOOOO!!!

By Plumcat

Nah, the nickname Spode doesn't really appeal to me. I prefer Karomek.

By Arcozo

Hey! You guys are actually right! Were Spode because who created everything living in this universe? Us!

By z_rollercoast_z

I have to agree with you, I have been thinking about who "Spode" might be, I came to the same conclusion as you. The players are Spode.

By Liam-pc

It has me inside. Get it? We're Spode?

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