Antique Chest (with Treasure)
Not rated

By Andeavor
04/12/2009 - 12:44:42

Type: House building
Rating: 0.05 (Not rated)
Tags: andeavor, antique, chest, gaprop, treasure


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By vicente212

I'm using this for an adventure, with credit to you, of course.

By 69Killer2000

i already have two swords ones a xiphos and a knights long sword kitty catty2 and i know where to buy them at true swords.com

By 69Killer2000

exellent work as all ways andeavor

By KittyCatty2

Wow! I want that sword! :D

By liberalflow

This is awesome! It makes my treasure building look like garbage!

By valivali

everyone that give credit on this creation, THE TREASURE IS MINE HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! (no andeavor maked it damn pirate)

By Blak09


By 01Ben2001

Could I steal some of that?

By Pantaleon

use to distract player from objective

By Jwoot

One word: Amazing!!! I will never cease to be awed about your gaprops!

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