
By LuminaNightshade
04/07/2009 - 00:51:42
Type: Entertainment building
Rating: 2.5 (Good)
I suffer from CFIDS. To have an idea what this is like imagine having a permanent case of mononucleosis. So when I get sick with a head cold it is quite devastating.
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By Live4231
The best thing you can do is rest and your body will slowly ward off the virus. This also means no spore but I doubt you feel good right now anyway
By jazifire
poor thing, hope you get well soon!
By Lumorei
I sure hope it ain't swine flu.
By jazifire
Ohh... Well, I hope you get better.
By 96Nicky
I'm srry
By DarkHen94
Very Funny! How do you make all thse cool creations?
By Lemilica
Are you green or blue or red???GET BETTER I command you to feel better!!!!!!!!!!!11
By ariari98
Whats mononwhatever sickness?
By Sakiara
awe, I hope you are feeling better!
By Antiangel
keep more healthy by positive thinking :)
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