
By Verdia70
03/30/2009 - 07:32:45
Type: Military land vehicle
Rating: 3 (Good)
Tags: heavy, tank
The Tunne is a remotely controlled unmanned heavily armored tank with a highly powerful prototype particle cannon. Because of the intense heat generated from the particle accelerator in the engine compartment, there is a huge air intake used for cooling. This however leaves the engine vulnerable to a weapons fire, and a well placed shot through the grill can cause a low yield nuclear explosion.
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By Kahath
Nice turret robot thing.
By brancalion
Very Nice!
By Yanito
Great body structure.
By Drahn
Looks cool. Great style and texture choices.
By Walker70
WOW!that is truly amazing!
By munsonman1
lol, nice little tank! i like the use of blue textures and the little "engine" - pistons and all, looks really cool. thumbs up!
By friedaS
Nice tank, R+
By BlueLiquidPlus
The Piston action is awesome, I never thought to use them like that. Nice R :)
By Blakinator
Awesome interior!!!
By Truenight
that's pretty cool seeing that stuff on the inside!
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