Sea skater

By moganite
03/19/2009 - 05:31:13

Type: Military water vehicle
Rating: 5.22 (Good)
Tags: aa, mcmechchallenge, mech, moganite, naval, sporeum, tripod


The sea skater is a mech designed for naval combat. its 3 tripod legs bend and flex with the sea surface maintaining an exceptionally stable gun platform for its quad turrets to fire from. the guns themselves are a unique solution that can fire all munitions including a special laser round. The metalstorm system on the top of the head eliminates all airthreats including missiles out to the visual horizion.


By sew654321

Nifty idea

By kaploy9

Sweet! I never really thought about aquatic suspension before.

By Billith

Cool design, good work on doing something a little different. R+

By Psychichazard

great concepts, and likewise with all your mechs. great contest, rubbish downraters.

By Thegreatgasman


By Flaming'Snake

Nice fluid cockpit. R+

By TheGuy185

This is really good, I don't think I've seen any aquatic mechs yet, it really stands out from the others. R+


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