Jawa EG-6 power droid
Not rated

By riederman
02/26/2009 - 16:13:17

Type: Religious land vehicle
Rating: 0.24 (Not rated)
Tags: anchorhead, android, droid, jawa, jedi, mos eisley, riederman, robot, sandcrawler, sith, star wars, starwars, tatooine


The EG-6 series by Veril Line Systems was an ambulatory power droid. Outfitted with only a low AI, EG-6?s only function was to provide energy to diverse machinery, starships and other vehicles.


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By Tenebrarum

So that's what a Gonk Droid's formal name is!

By Bobman12

otherwise known as gonkdroids

By Fizzbim

Great design! So what did the one in Jabba's palace do to deserve being tortured?

By Al_B_Bach

Excellent, I luv the coloring and detail! R+++

By Himmelslaub

Excellent work!

By Terence313

gonk droids rule R+

By Dirtymeat

I had this guy as a toy too..hey hydro..lets play star wars lol +

By beta_psi

I remember this guy! It didn't seem to bright in the movie! Great series you've been making!

By foreverpiping

A portable power source! great job...r+

By masscolder

Looks a bit like my microphone. :-) R+

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