Not rated

By Lessa1
02/25/2009 - 22:49:31

Type: Creature
Rating: 0.74 (Not rated)
Tags: alien, carnivore, lessa1, quadruped


Pssssst... If you see one of these scuttling, then so should you - in the other direction - and as quickly and quietly as you can.


DNA points
46 Bones4 Feet0 Hands
Diet: Carnivore
Health: +4
16 %
100 %
6 / 20
6 / 20
0 / 15
1 / 52 / 50 / 5
1 / 50 / 50 / 5
4 / 54 / 50 / 5
0 / 50 / 5

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By Mistofages

Ewww... gives me the shivers. great work!

By Deiken

Wow... very bug like! R+

By Karl-EL

I love the detailing on the abdomen. R+

By dogy12345678

Hey lessa1: I have a binky you coul put in your sporecasts called Wittle Binky.

By 13Jabberwock31

Awesome design and pose on this scary looking insecty spidery creature!! It looks so realistic that I'm expecting it to crawl out of my screen at any moment! The whiskery body attachments add a touch of extra wildness and realism to it. I must try that on

By 13Jabberwock31

The head is amazing and the big spike of a tail gives it's pose that much more of a menacing look! The legs are very well shaped and complement the rest of the creature perfectly! The colours are perfect! I tried it out in the test drive arena, too, and it

By murrells

eww that's gross, but awesome...

By Schnitz1012

wonderful creativity! r+

By Ezrie

Nice love the stinger, Awesome. :)

By matantg

oooh that scares me quite a lot XD reminds me of how i imagined a spider from one of stephen kings books

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