Bookmagician's Library Index
Not rated
By Andeavor
02/25/2009 - 17:14:01
Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.16 (Not rated)
Tags: book, building, city, hall, index, library, mascot, set:bookmagician, sporeuni.com
A custom city hall for Bookmagician who made the building mascot for the Spore Uni. :D
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By NickB95
By RustyNail08
i'd like to get a book there
By MastrCreator115
Oh no! Oh NO!!! The B.O.O.K found me! I knew I should've returned that book! *heads for the hills*
By purpill
Fantasy sci fi? like artimis fowl?
By gamer01965
Books are only good when either they are non-fiction, or science fiction. Now recently, but not greatly, there's a new science called Fantasy Science. This field refers to things like "How many kilojoules are there in one blast of energy out of a wand?"
By Forbidden Files
great stuff but not as complicated as everyone thinks...still awesome.
By BigMC07
another fine building how do u do it
By Japdude
Wonderful building the book on top of the library is amazing.
By QueenTitania
wow great work simply wonderful
By DylanTheKing
Added to Interesting Buildings Sporecast. Just discovered you today! Nice work!
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