Not rated

02/24/2009 - 08:16:54

Type: City Hall building
Rating: 0.09 (Not rated)


moslems are special! you are not allowed to make fun of their belief/prophet/honor (talking about those fanatics). some newspapers here in europe published some cartoons about mohamed and the people in arab countrys went mad in a kind of way only a peace loving religion like Islam can. most people didn't see the cartoons all they heard was that the evil in freedom of speech believing europeans are making fun of their belief/prophet/honor. I don't want to start a new riot so I don't make fun of islam belief/prophet/honor. I'm making fun of your behavior/reaction/intolerance. this creation is dedicated to all the Jesus-fanboy-sissys who are complaining about my focus on christianity... created by the uncreated creator JESUSisFAKED


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By Jondree

Also I agree that is hypocritical of EA. They should have their rules apply to all potentially offensive creations, not just the ones they find offensive.

By Jondree

haha! That's funny. R+ I don't really understand why they can't depict Muhammad in anyway. I know there are ancient Islamic depictions of him, but those are considered holy interpretations or something.


hmm EA didn't delet it, no downrates... looks like moslem don't have any lobby here (surprise)... which means all the people who are complaining about anti religious stuff don't care about stuff that offend any different faith... hypocritical?

By LordVarmint

Beautifully made. Gotta admire your nerve...

By Shippwreck

haha man you crack me up

By friedaS

Wieder mal gute Detailarbeit. R+


@ Vilageidiotx: there was that one guy who made an anti-islam movie (anti=criticism) and some fanatics killed him ... but I'm not that popular

By Vilageidiotx

Very well executed! Speaking of which, lets hope Bin Laden doesn't get wind of this. R+

By masscolder

Hahaha! Good one. Reminds me of Religiosity (the documentary) R+

By nice2835

rofl here too! R+

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