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By Assyroc
02/17/2009 - 10:47:43
Type: Spaceship
Rating: 0.38 (Not rated)
Tags: assyroc, demon, mech
These giant metallic demons herald the approach of the armies of the Shadow Realm. With their primary role to prepare the chosen Universe or dimension for assimilation into the Shadow Realm. They are completely unaffected by conventional weaponry a near impossible to destroy. Harbingers will not deviate from their chosen paths, destroying everything that gets in there way, from asteroids to planets a even stars. There are even stories of entire galaxies being destroyed by these iron monsters.
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By Mattyboy94
Which Way it facing?????!!!!!
By OmegaMax
Amazing, Your designs are always inspiring a creative
By DarthVader519
By Confucius08
great design and use of lighting effects R
By Serevanth
I didn't think I was looking at a ship at first, well done!
By Karr94
...... dam this looks good
By DeadHeart93
By Floopty
well, well, well if your looking for a early creauture for your sporecast than you should check out my page begcause i just added some cool ones.
By giantants
R+ Looks like Mazinger-Z's skeleton.
By slappergoth
I wish I could do something with the vehicle stuff, all I can see are bits of metal. I love this and the effects with the lights.
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